
Capwall is a type of long cycle life and high protection level graphene supercapacitor battery for residential back up power, where its safety meets innovation in the small module. The battery is monitored and balanced well, and it’s compatible with many leading inverter brands. The wall mounted installation can also make good use of space. 

Graphene Super Capacitor Battery Capwall ,A perfect option for house energy storage systems. Long life,stable and rarely maintenance bring more benefits to the end user, Wall & ground mounted available, smart management system.
Graphene supercapacitor.Perfect option for house solar energy storage system. Long life,stable and maintenance free bring much benefit to the end user, Wall & ground mounted available, smart manage system.
Graphene supercapacitor battery. Perfect option for house solar energy storage system. Long life, stable and maintenance free bring much benefit to the end user, Wall & ground mounted available, smart manage system.
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