Shanghai Green Tech Co.,Ltd. can supply EXW for super capacitor module. Ex Works is a global trade term. It refers that we send the goods at a specified place, and also the purchaser incurs shipping expenses. You'll be responsible for loading the goods on the transportation vehicles, for many export processes; for onward transportation and also for all costs arising after sending the products.
Through the manufacture of a full range graphene battery, Shanghai Green Tech has a wide range of target customers. super capacitor module is one of Shanghai Green Tech's multiple product series. All defects of the product have been accurately detected and then removed, guaranteeing consistent quantity. The product has a longer life span, reducing the requirement for frequent replacements and carbon emissions.
We are committed to sustainable development. In addition to the good feeling we get, our sales actually increase through our good work. Get info!
Welcome, Shanghai Green Tech (GTCAP) is a supercapacitor battery manufacturer and energy storage solutions provider,
offering OEM, ODM and customized energy storage solutions for customers.
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