All products in Shanghai Green Tech Co.,Ltd. are produced in accordance with international standards. Since the establishment of the company, we have been focusing on the quality of ultra capacitor module. The product has passed relevant certification and has been widely recognized by customers.
Shanghai Green Tech is one of China's more efficient super capacitor module makers. graphene battery is one of Shanghai Green Tech's multiple product series. GTCAP super capacitor module is designed following the concept of striving for first-rate. It brings together the world’s finest materials and craftsmanship. GTCAP has enough storage capacity to offer mass production of graphene capacitor.
We will always abide by ethical marketing rules. We uphold fair trade practices that do not harm clients' interests and rights. We'll never initiate any vicious market competition or partake in any business activities pushing up the price.
Welcome, Shanghai Green Tech (GTCAP) is a supercapacitor battery manufacturer and energy storage solutions provider,
offering OEM, ODM and customized energy storage solutions for customers.
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