A significant growth momentum is shown in the sales of Shanghai Green Tech Co.,Ltd. super capacitor module in international market. Since the launch on the market, it has been exported to many overseas markets. It has won recognition and praise from the market and customers for its excellent cost performance.
In the past few years, GTCAP has promoted into a major graphene supercapacitor for sale brand. graphene capacitor is one of Shanghai Green Tech's multiple product series. Many scientific and strict inspection means have been applied to ensure the premium quality of the product. The product is mercury-free and doesn't contribute to harmful hazardous waste. It is safe for use and harmless to the human body.
We hold ourselves to high standards of environmental responsibility. We are making rational use of natural resources and taking steps to prevent pollution from the different processes involved in our industrial operations.
Welcome, Shanghai Green Tech (GTCAP) is a supercapacitor battery manufacturer and energy storage solutions provider,
offering OEM, ODM and customized energy storage solutions for customers.
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