Some large supercapacitor items online are marked "Free Sample" and could be ordered as such. Generally speaking, Shanghai Green Tech Co.,Ltd.'s regular goods are readily available for free samples. But in the event the customer has some particular requirements such as product size, material, color or LOGO, we shall bill the relevant expenses. We keen for your understanding that we would like to charge the sample cost that will be deducted once the order is supported.
Shanghai Green Tech has become the leading multinational manufacturer of super capacitor module. Shanghai Green Tech is mainly engaged in the business of graphene capacitor and other product series. The application of innovative technology gives GTCAP graphene capacitor an innovative design. The product is mercury-free and doesn't contribute to harmful hazardous waste. It is safe for use and harmless to the human body.
We are devoted to the development of society. We are going to partake or initiate philanthropic initiatives that build various worthy causes, such as education subsidizing and water cleaning projects.
Welcome, Shanghai Green Tech (GTCAP) is a supercapacitor battery manufacturer and energy storage solutions provider,
offering OEM, ODM and customized energy storage solutions for customers.
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